Programming Workbench (vaporware)

PW is a development environment designed for people who think exactly like me. It (most likely) has very limited (or zero) appeal to others.

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There are a few key elements to PW:

Wishlist: There are a few things PW does nothing to solve:

Current Status (April 2009)

I have spent some time looking at the jEdit code and it seems highly readable. It seems starting with jEdit as the base and building plug-ins would be the quickest way to implement this tool. jEdit performance when stretched across 6 monitors is good. jEdit's codebase is far simpler that Eclipse, based on casual looking at the two.

There are existing SSH plug-ins for jEdit. The main modules would be the filesystem and SNMP modules, and changing some of the panel navigation.

Sadly, it is unlikely I will have time to build any of this any time soon because I am so busy with other things, but at some point I will have to block out a few weeks to hammer out something like this.